Saturday, February 16, 2013, located in Ilung Tengah village, Batang
Alai Utara sub-district, HST (Hulu Sungai Tengah) district, South Kalimantan,
Ahmad (nick name), 15 years old was freed of his chain. This was so much
touchy, considering that Ahmad is still in child age. At the time we freed him
Ahmad, he was nude and we give him clothes and cut the chain tiding his foot,
as the chain padlock key is lost and the padlock is rusty. Until we arrived at
Sambang Lihum asylum, the chain is still on Ahmad’s foot as we have limited
tools in the field.
The freeing chain (picking and dropping to Sambang Lihum Asylum,
Banjarbaru, South Borneo) is under cooperation of TRC Ministry of Social
Affairs and Rumah Manusia Foundation.
Rumah Manusia Foundation through Rumah Manusia community of HST has
initiated, facilitated and done advocacy this case for one week to the related
parties to get administration requirements, local health insurance, and
recommendation from local health office and advocacy toward the local
TRC Ministry of Social Affairs and Rumah Manusia Foundation also did
assistance in the asylum and assure that Ahmad get his rights to obtain mental
health care. Thank to Sambang Lihum Asylum who has supported to free Ahmad from
his chain.
This freeing of chain effort, beside it has been government agenda
through ministry of health with its program ‘Indonesia Free Pasung 2014, etc,
the pasung context is encouraged and protected under the Declaration of Human
Rights Universal, Indonesian Law number 29/1999 regarding ratification of
International Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Racial
Discrimination 1965, Ratification of International
Covenant on Economic, social, and Cultural Right on October 2005. The
ratification is signed by the publication of Law No. 11/2005 regarding the endorsement
of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Right , Civil and Politic rights Convention by the
confirmation of Indonesian Law No. 12/2005 which amongst consists of the rights
to live, rights to be free from torture;
rights to be free from slavery.
Besides, as he
is still in child age, he is protected under the Convention
on The Rights of The Childs that ratified in Indonesia in 2005 through
President Decree No. 36/1990, Law No. 23/2002 regarding children protection. As
Ahmad suffers from mental illness that part of mental disability, in this case
mental illness, he is protected under the ratification of international
convention of disability through Law No.19/2011. With all the context, nothing could be done except together help and
support to Indonesia Free Pasung.
We might be
able to free the pasung by our own, or group/institution, but the best wisdom,
social intelligence and social understanding in cope with social problems
through coordination and partnership of various related caring parties.
NK - "Earth Hails"